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Sunday, September 20, 2009

20-euro-mail.com: A Sister Scam Site

Url: www.20-euro-mail.com

This site is a sister site of the scam sites 100euro-mail.com, 100-cash.com, 2-dollar-mail.com, and many others. How would we know? Well, there is a similarity in the script when compared to 100euro-mail.com, and 100-cash.com, and when you browse the site's advertise page, you'll see all of its sister sites listed for advertisers to advertise on. Note that all of these sites are scam sites, and for this site to belong on that list definitely means that it is one of them. Furthermore, this site has offers that are too good to be true. The ad prices and the member offers are also not balanced, one of the obvious scam tactics employed by PTC and PTR scammers in the past and even up today.

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