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Friday, September 18, 2009

07Bux.net - Nothing left but junk

Url: www.07bux.net

07bux.net is a bux.to clone that was once said to be paying. Like the bux.to scam site, this site also has lots of ads to click. The site has a $5 minimum payout, however, while this may be great offer for members, it may be too taxing for the site.

At first the site was able to take the load, but as the number of members continued to grew and people started to recruit more and more referrals, it really gave the site a heavy burden. Soon, payouts pend, and shortly thereafter, site owner gave up.

The site is now gone. What's left are some banners, which could be treated as junk.


  1. Wow... I never knew that. Yeah, I saw that some people posted some referral links up, but I couldn't find any website but some ads... Thanks for telling me this though.


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